How to earn money from home: Download file, re-upload, get paid.

Download a file go over to another platform and upload the same file, go out with friends, watch a movie, do whatever you want, while you keep making money.

In today's article we will be going over a strategy that will allow you to earn hundreds of dollars in passive income without investing hours and hours of your precious time for just a small amount of cash.

But before we talk about that:
Welcome to EUCCA Finance blog. On this blog, We help you to achieve your financial goals by showing you how to make money online with step by step tutorial of earning money from home. we will also be sharing with you the latest finance tips and how to earn money online with in depth strategies and methods. EUCCA Finance is the top finance blog on the INTERNET. Join our TELEGRAM CHANNEL and follow our FACEBOOK PAGE.  If you have question or opinion about this article you make your comment at the end of this article. Don't forget to share with family and Friends. please may sure you read this article till the end before you head over to any platform we talk about in this post.

Now let's get back to the strategy. I have a very interesting and straightforward strategy for you today.
Just stick with me until the end, so you don't miss important bits of information on how to properly set One of the sites we will be using to earn the money is called This is one of the two sites I will be showing you today.

plr mines is a site where you can find various digital products and they range from ebooks to video tutorials, website templates, various software and so on, all for free. You can download any of thee products for free and with a license to do so. That what plr standing for, which is; product label rights. so you can basically download an ebook for example you can customize it and then resell it. you can literally do whatever you want with the products on this site since it gives you permission to do so.
However don't get me wrong, we wont be selling anything in this video.

Just like I promised in the intro you won't need sales skills or whatever.
On the website if you click on freebies you'll be able to see precisely what products we have on the site.
when you pick what you want to download just click on get it now then scroll down a bit until you come across the download button and download the product. you won't be able to download it immediately instead the download button will be sort of blocked but you'll be able to unlock it by
liking them on Facebook or something like that, or you sign up on there website but that is not really necessary.

Now the second platform that will actually be paying us for uploading these files is called This site is a file sharing free cloud storage for your data. you will basically upload files on the site and whenever someone downloads them you will get paid a certain amount of money.

This basically works when someone clicks to download one of the video courses you uploaded or any other file that you uploaded. This site will show them various advertisements before they can actually download the files and you will get a portion of the ad revenue. 

This is a win-win situation for everyone, the advertisers get their desired traffic and this site shares the ad revenue. while the person who downloaded the course got it for completely free. they don't have to pay anyone whatsoever, all they have to do for you to get paid, is download the file and that's literally it.

Furthermore, It's far easier to convince someone to download an absolutely free course or website
template or whatever it may be rather than to pay, if you are in an affiliate.
All you have to do is to upload a dozen or so files on there and that's it. This site gets regular traffic every single month and so people keep downloading files you've uploaded potentially months if not years after you've actually uploaded them on there. You'll basically forget about them but will still get paid. For a beginner with no skills and experience with making money online, this site is one of the best ways to get started anyways by clicking on make money right up there on the site.

You'll see on the website page that you get paid for every 1000 downloads and that's how it works. but that's not all, below in the you'll see all the ways in which you can get paid and there is not only a huge amount of them but they include some of the favorite payment methods for you primarily paypal and cryptocurrency. If you by a slight chance are not a fan of either, then you have over a dozen of other payment options that this site has to offer now. For any of you who perhaps have some doubts about this site's legitimacy, if this seems too easy to you or whatever. Just click on payment proof and you will see evidence of people getting paid various amounts of money every single day through a bunch of the aforementioned payment methods. 

With all that said and done what you need to do on this site in order to start uploading files, is to register and by clicking on sign up you will be able to do that.
Fill the form carefully, choose a payment method then click on sign up, you're good to go.

You will have to click on upload files. Then open them from your pc. The amount of money you made is located right next to that. In order to get paid just click on request payout below and by the way something really nice about this site is that there is no minimum requirement of money in your balance before you can withdraw it.

So even if you've earned as little as one dollar or even less, you can withdraw with no problems. Moreover you have a lot of space to upload your files with this amount you can literally upload hundreds and hundreds of them which could of course lead to quite a bit of money made in passive income. what we will essentially do is just repeat the same process over and over again.
you'll come over to and download several files and come back over here and upload them
to get paid.

Furthermore there are other plr websites out there that you can use if you don't like the amount of files
plr has to offer. being one of them and it works in much the same fashion. Anyway the last thing worth noting about this site is the referrals, now referring people to here is a great idea because people can make money by uploading files, so if you share this site with various make money online groups on
facebook for example, chances are some of them will be able to click on that affiliate link of yours.


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