Make money with Whatsapp: Using Short Monetized URLs

How to make money online with WhatsApp, In this case I will show you how you can be making money by sharing links on your WhatsApp.

This very method of making money with short URL’s or links is relatively popular and I know some of you reading this article might have come across some people talking about this but might have overlooked it.

But the honest truth is that, there are people out there making thousands of dollars monthly with just short URLs from platforms like WhatsApp, FACEBOOK, Instagram, Twitter, TELEGRAM and the rest of the other social medias.

But right in this particular article, I will only be focused on explaining exactly how/ways that you can use these shorten URLs that I’m talking about here to make money from your WhatsApp.

But before we talk about that:
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So, before I start explaining how to make money with shortened links/URLs through Whatsapp let me start with explaining what these short URLs are, how the work and how they make money so that you’ll understand the process of what we’re about to do right here,

so most of these URL shorteners are websites that the developers have programmed with codes on them that have the ability to shorten a long website URL that is very long and make it short.

Now the most popular of these URL shortener website is bitly. Everybody must have seen links Shortened with bitly some where on the internet. URLs shortened with bitly usually looks like this:

FOR EXAMPLE, let's say a website URL that says “”  when you put it into a link shortening website, now what the link shortening website will do is that it will simply, take that long URL or link and convert it into something shorter and simple, for example, “” that’s what these short URLs look like, you will notice that of you click on the both links it will take you to the same website. 

These short links I used as example above are generated with the bitly website that I mentioned earlier. But this bitly link shortener doesn't really make the users money, it's just for professional use or business. But what we are looking for in this case, are websites that will actually pay us.

Now other link shortener website they pays it's user, how this really works is after you have generated a short URL or link with there website,

What happens now is that whenever people now click on these links that we have shortened, the companies that own those link shortening tools or the link shortening website will display what is called “interstitial ads” which just as the name implies are advertisements that are displayed to a user when the user is trying to move from one website to the other.

These advertisements that are displayed to users usually last for 5 seconds or more, then they will see a button that will allow them to skip the advertisements and head on to their main destination.

Now I guess you might be wondering “who pays these link shortening companies for these ads??”

The answer to that is that, as we all know that there are a thousand and one marketers out there who spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a daily basis on advertising, 

and they use these kinds of link shortening networks to get cheap traffic to there businesses or products.

So, let's just say, the marketers who are trying to reach and advertise to individuals like you and me online pay these link shortening websites

and then all these link shortening websites pay user like you and me to share the links that have been shortened on their website to our own network of family, friends and relatives,

because that’s how they get there own money too…

I know by now you must have an idea of where I'm heading to in relative to earning through WhatsApp, the aspect where we are to share the links that have been shortened is where we’ll actually use WhatsApp to reach hundreds of thousands of people…

And for us to make upto  thousands of dollars from these types of website, we’ll need thousands of clicks,

There is one sure way to actually do that which is to actually connect with more people online or physically and get them on your WhatsApp,
another sure process to do this is to join a whole lot of WhatsApp groups and post things that you are very sure they’ll want to click on.

let me give a very good example: let’s say you’re in a Christian Whatsapp group or maybe a church WhatsApp group, you can easily go over to youtube and search for very popular and interesting videos on topics that you know that everyone in the group would be interested in and want to it check out.

take a look at the image below, it's a very good example:
Now as you can see, the image above is a screenshot that I took from my mobile phone screen while searching for an update on the end time which is something we definitely know all Christians would be interested in and want to click on the link,

So, what we can simply do is to take one of those videos, copy the link, shorten it at URL shorteners website, and that way, when you share it in a group with Christians in it, they’ll want to check it out, and when they keep clicking your link,
Same other way round, maybe if you are a Muslim, you can look for video that your fellow Muslims will be interested to watch so the can keep click on your link,

they will have to view an ad that will last for like 5 seconds then continue to the video they wanted to watch after that 5 seconds and in that way you get paid little cents and when you stack up all these clicks you can increase the amount of money you’ll be making from just from WhatsApp.

And for the aspect of increasing the number of clicks you’re getting on your shortened URLs you can easily find and join other groups with a full number of active members.

As at when I was writing this article, WhatsApp only allowed just 256 members in a single group maybe it's might change later to our Advantage, and if you can task yourself and target being a member of a full 100 active groups with 256 members,

you are most likely to get 20,000+ clicks, which is 256 x 100 = 20,000 +  clicks on your short URLs daily as long as you post something interesting and what they member of the group always want to see. your are most likely to be kicked off from a group when you start spamming, And you won't even get much click. so paste the links with caution. I can add a little write up before posting the link.

Maybe you are now wondering, "how do I find URL shortening websites that really pays and which ones should I join right now to start making money??”

and my answer to that question, there are a lot of link shortening website out there that really pays. below is a list of these sites. I will list them according to there reviews and how trust the are. Starting from 1 which is the most trusted and oldest.

list of sites

  1. 7r6
  2. AdFly
  3. Adshrink
  4. Gplinks
  5. Linkshrink
  6. URLCash

You can search them up all on Google to learn more about them, and I didn't have enough time the review the list above but I will recommend you use either of the first two. The are tested and comfirmed legit. But do your own research.

Now that I’ve talked about how to make money on WhatsApp with link shorteners. if you think you don't link the strategy of sharing these link on WhatsApp. I have a lot of article on my blog here explaining other strategies you can use. 

If you need help or more guide on how to set these up drop a comment below.


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